I am solvating a short peptide with a dodecahedral box using the following GROMACS 4.6 commands:
pdb2gmx_mpi -ignh -f $1.pdb -o $1.gro -p $1.top -water spce -ff oplsaa
editconf_mpi -f $1.gro -o $1-BOX.gro -bt dodecahedron -d 2.5 -c
genbox_mpi -cp $1-BOX.gro -cs spc216.gro -p $1.top -o solv.gro
where $1 is the root name of my starting pdb
When I open solv.gro in Chimera or VMD I see a box that appears to be rectangular and the peptide is not in the center even though I used the -c flag in editconf.
I am wondering if this is normal or if I should do something differently with my setup.