Hi! I have found very valuable data in first units, but I need them in second units. I feel very confused because I can not find a numerical relationship between them. I am talking about spectral overlapping units. Thanks in advance.
Dear @Nazaruddin Sinaga, I am serious. I work with a software that gives me spectral overlapping units in cm-1 M-1, whereas I have articles wherein these units are given in cm3 M-1. Since I work with zeolite LTL, perhaps these latter authors add some geometrical information to basic spectral overlapping units (between an emission and an absorption spectrum).
I am just kidding. But normally, if we would convert the units, the dimension must be the same. Of course the dimension of cm-1 M-1 is not the same as cm-3 M-1.
Btw, if your question is about how to find the units, the answer will be different. Even it is not my field, according to the units, to make cm-3M-1 from cm-1M-1, it just to make divide the extinction coefficient spectrum of the acceptor by the area involved.....
@Nazaruddin Sinaga, thank you very much for your answer. Now, I am very busy finishing my doctoral thesis; anyway, once I get convert units each other fluently, I will feed you back about what happened.