10 October 2015 7 2K Report

I am trying to simulate Savonius hydrokinetic turbine through CFD. Problem I am facing is that value of Cp or Ct is always increasing with respect to TSR and not decreasing at any point in whole range of TSR used (0.3-1.2).For calculation of Cp, I am using following formula. 

Cp = Ct* TSR 

For unsteady simulation  Time step size according to angular velocity of turbine were set for 360 step for a complete revolution of turbine. 

Simulation were carried out for 3 revolution and Cm- history were stored for each time step. Last 360 time step were used to calculate average Cm (coefficient of moment). 

and I used this avg . Cm as Ct (torque coefficient) and calculated Cp. But Value I found for whole range is always increasing.

Also tried Steady simulation and calculated direct torque from Fluent, same problem was found.

I am stuck in this problem since last 3 month. Pls Suggest me where  I am making mistake 

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