Hi all,

I am trying to analyse sequencing results coming from ngs on bacterial strains. They were sequenced with the Illumina method. I got sequencing results in reads and contigs. This field is totally new for me. Saying  "contigs" is the same as saying  "reads assembled"? So, does it mean that i don't need to assemble the reads since I have contigs? Are they already assembled?

I don't understand how I "re-build" the plasmids starting from the contigs.I mean that I want to re-construct and determine all the circular sequence of the plasmid and I don't know how to do it.. is it better to do it starting from contigs or reads?

I saw tools like plasmidSPADES that allows to assemble plasmid sequences..is this used with contigs or reads? Does it make sense to use it on contigs as input?and If not, how do I use my contigs to determine the final sequence of my entire plasmids? I am quite confused..

Is it also possible that different contigs share the same sequence? Is this the result of the method used for sequencing?

Thank you very much

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