I'm a postgraduate student currently starting up a research project on attitudes towards domestic violence (DV). The study will aim to compare cultural differences between attitudes and between genders.
I'm struggling to get access to scales I can potentially use and I have no idea where to look. The scales I have identified (but not found) are:
DV myth acceptance scale (Peters, 2003)
IPV Attitude scale (Smith et al., 2005)
Marital violence inventory (Matos et al., 2000)
Attitudes towards DV (Fox & Gadd, 2012)
Attitudes towards DV scale (Sahin & Dissiz)
Inventory of distorted thoughts about women and violence (Echeburua & Fernandez-Montalvo, 1998) (revised version by Ferrer Perez et al., 2019)
Inventory of beliefs about IPV (Garcio-Ael, 2018)
Any help would be appreciated and further survey/questionnaire suggestions would be great too!