CTAB is a well known cationic surfactant with trimethylammonium head group and long chain of alkyl tail group. CTAB has the ability to interact to the different surfaces through its head and/or tail group depending on the nature of the surface.This interaction can be used to modify the morphology/size of the growing nanostructures as it hinders the growth in the direction normal to the crystal face to which it is attached. CTAB has the ability to hinder the oriented attachment mechanism, which is the dominant process at nano level, as well as Ostwald ripening process.
To get more information about the growth mechanisms, the role of capping agents in the growth, the effect of CTAB on ZnO growth and so on, please refer to:
Article Understanding the oriented-attachment growth of nanocrystals...
Article Oriented Attachment: An Effective Mechanism in the Formation...
Article Microstructural and Photoluminescence Properties of CTAB/PVP...
Article Influence of CTAB assisted capping on the structural and opt...
Article Synthesis of structural and optical characterization of surf...