
First of all, I'm an undergraduate who is beginning to investigate molecular dynamics and bioinformatics tools and techniques, but I'm not funded so I can't afford an expensive linux operating system.

What I would like to know is what free LInux operating systems you would recommend. I would like to install a Linux on my computer (which is actually a windows 8.1, 64 bit operating system now) because I am finding that some of the scientific programs that I use are incompatible with my windows operating system or they don't work optimally in this environment. I've never used Linux before but I would like to.

I do not want to install Linux in such a way that it overwrites my Windows operating system in case I find that some of the files/programs that I have are incompatible with Linux if that's possible. What I want is to install Linux so that it upon booting my computer I can choose to either open Linux or Windows.

Perhaps this seems like a trivial question, but I would like to ask it here because I find that the researchgate community is very knowledgeable and helpful. I really am somewhat concerned about accidentally overwriting my Windows environment , downloading some malware, or contracting some expensive monthly subscription. 

Can anyone help me understand how I should go about doing this?  

Thank you very much!


Adron Ung 

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