02 February 2014 49 6K Report

Among control methods of insect pests, insect-behavior manipulating (modifying) strategies through adequate use of semiochemicals. These latter can be:

a) Pest’s sex pheromones: used for mass trapping, mating disruption, attract-and-kill

b) Host and non-host plant volatiles (acting as either allomones, kairomones, or synomones)

These control methods are considered effective, environmentally sound alternatives to the use of broad-spectrum insecticides characterized by their adverse side effects on pest’s natural enemies. In this regard, manipulating behavioral responses of insects (either pests or pest’s natural enemies) to plant volatiles is considered a promising, economically profitable and “purely ecological” tactic that can be used to enhance biological control and integrated pest management programs. So, according to you, how could host and non-host plant volatiles be adequately exploited to manipulate insect behavior in an attempt to further improve management programs of insect pests?

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