How can the effectiveness of the environmental policy of the state be increased in order to achieve sustainable ecological development based on the concept of green economy in the shortest possible time?
This becomes possible if we all decide to abide with a universal principle which guides a global effort to utilize all policies, laws, programs, and institutions to slow down and even stop the destruction of the environment.
It is very challenging to provide a concise and simple repose on how one can increase the efficiency of environmental policy, considering how complex are the issues associated with sustainable development. Hence, one can provide only some examples:
One would expect that the efficiency of formulating and implementing environmental policy can be increased if sustainability is better integrated in the education process as early as possible, especially among those training into a profession that would have to formulate and implement it. For example, sustainability related issue sometime are almost a 'bolt on' subject that is added in the later years of the undergraduate and/or a postgraduate course. This is unlikely to yield good results, as the person would have to potentially 'unlearn' some of the things (s)he has learned in the previous years to adapt to sustainability way of thinking.
Across the globe and across a range of fields, researches have developed a multitude of environmental and associated assessment methods, which is really great, as it gives others insight into into the complexity of the issues, as well as into the possible ways of how to overcome them. However, it appears that very few of this methodologies have come with some really simple and easy to implement guidance by many. Majority of the methodologies are potentially over-complicated and relied upon specialist trained consultant to apply them. The assessment guidance documents are running into hundreds and hundreds of pages, and take hours of hours of additional work to complete them. One would assume that if approaches are simplified and focus on key but 'quick' wins so that majority could implement them would yield a better results overall, than relying on a limited number of consultants to implement a more sophisticated and complex methodologies. Therefore, the initial focus may have to be on a slightly less perfect approach that is implemented by the widest possible body of professionals, as widely as possible across the globe.
As we know environment is the cross cutting and wider public issue in term of scope, extent and impacts. The key criteria to evaluate and analyze efficiency and effectiveness of environmental policies and instruments are: the processes followed while designing and formulating such policies; setting of functional organization to translate the policy matters into ground; selection of appropriate program; and allocation of required resources. Hence, efficiency and effectiveness of environmental policies have to be looked at on environmental governance means environmental policies, institution, program, resources and eventually way of translating into real world. Poor efficiency and effectiveness in environmental issue is due to poor governance in global, regional and national environmental governance. Thus, there is scope to revisit and reform global, regional and national environmental governance to Protect the planet for present and future generations; ensure prosperous, comfortable life for people;
manage natural resources; and take actions on climate change.
In addition, I note the interesting discussion inspired me to the following considerations:
To what extent does the development of eco-innovation and renewable energy improve the protection of the environment, natural biological ecosystems and biodiversity?
In my opinion, the development of innovative ecological technologies and eco-innovations as well as renewable energy sources and their implementation into economic processes is a growing important factor of sustainable green economic development based on the green economy concept.
In a situation where pro-ecological innovations are developed, including energy-related innovations, including new technologies of renewable energy sources, then pro-development anti-crisis, Keynesian socio-economic policy obtains additional attributes of modernity taking into account the protection of natural resources of the environment, protection of natural biological ecosystems and biodiversity.
In this situation, the classic pro-development anti-crisis, Keynesian social and economic policy is transformed into an ecological socio-economic policy implemented into the economy as part of the promotion of sustainable proecological socio-economic development taking into account the new green economy principles, including care for the protection of natural environmental resources, protection natural biological ecosystems and biodiversity.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
To what extent does the development of eco-innovation and renewable energy improve the protection of the environment, natural biological ecosystems and biodiversity?
Please reply
I invite you to discussion and scientific cooperation
Yes, it can be achieved through awareness and management. From a practical perspective, In Russia, for awareness and management of the ecological state of the environment to be sustainable, high school students are properly educated about the importance of a healthy and clean environment. Thereby inculcating and building a generation of future ecologists and environmental watch dogs. And it is very efficient.
Economic diversification and prevention of over exploitation of natural resources, Effective policy monitoring and evaluation, Respect for laws and order, Total and inclusive environmental education.
In our society, there are many types of people of various mentalities. Some percentage of sensitive group with proper education would response to Intense awareness. There are some fraction of people who are involved in exploiting the environmental resources could be treated more stringently to follow the laws of nature, violation of any rules may be fined or penalize with examples. In cases of poor people, alternative economic way should be made except the over exploitation of nature for their livelihood. Regular inspection might be employed in every section of our society , All the public broadcasting channel must be continuously used. Any positive thoughts must be always encouraged and welcome.
In view of the above, it is also important to include in the above discussion the issues arising in recent years of subsequent, very negative for the biosphere of the natural environment secondary effects of the progressing global warming process. To those very negative, dangerous for the biosphere natural environment, for biodiversity of flora and fauna secondary effects of the progressing global warming process include the increase in the occurrence of forest fires in various climate zones. Recently (end of August and beginning of September 2019) there are fires of the Amazon rainforest and elsewhere in the tropical zone. In the current year 2019, the incidence of these fires has increased many times over previous years, so many researchers formulate the thesis that these fires are to a significant extent a derivative of the global warming process, which is accelerating rapidly. A lot of data supports the thesis that the scale of these fires increased by about 80 percent. compared to the previous year may be to a large extent the result of the progressing global warming process, which process drains larger and larger land areas in various climate zones, melting glaciers, etc. The confirmation of this thesis is the fact that this year there are also numerous forest fires in other regions of the world, in other climatic zones, on other continents and in places where fires had not occurred on such a scale as today. For example, the current forest fires of the Siberian Tundra, tropical rainforest fires on the islands of Oceania, tropical forest fires in South Africa, etc. confirm this thesis that these are further negative effects of the ongoing global warming process.
In the context of the above considerations, the following key questions arise:
- Is the need to improve the effectiveness of environmental policy increased due to the increasing global forest fires?
- How is the effectiveness of environmental policy improved in your countries?
- Which environmental policy, biosphere and biodiversity policy instruments should be improved and improved to reduce the scale of forest fires?
This becomes possible if we all decide to abide with a universal principle which guides a global effort to utilize all policies, laws, programs, and institutions to slow down and even stop the destruction of the environment.