Fruits of different chilli germplasms are showing completely different fruit shape, however, as all these germplasms are indigenous and I would like to know field level techniques and ways to mitigate the segregation.
Mirana Akhter Sumi According to A W Ritonga et al 2018 (IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 196 012008) and other authors, "variation in natural cross-pollination has been attributed to a variety of factors, including: asynchrony in flowering times;
distance to nearest neighbor ;
pattern of pollinator movement;
aspects of floral morphology;
and genetic differences in the level of self-fertility.
However, stigma exertion length and level of cross ability were two main factors that were responsible on chili peppers" in Ritonga et al 2018 experiment.
To prevent cross-pollination plants must be isolated from pollinators that contacted with other cultivars. It is usually done by mesh "baggies" around the plants that hasn't yet flowered but has a bud, i.e. before flowering.
It is hardly possible in field, so, you may try to increase self-pollination by careful selection of varieties located nearby, their planting time (to separate flowering), and probably by some chemical treatments to provide better rate and faster self-pollination.