Detecting radiation in electronic components or devices involves the use of radiation detection instruments. There are various types of radiation, including ionizing radiation like alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays.
Different type of devices that can do it:
Geiger-Muller Counters: Geiger-Muller counters detect ionizing radiation by measuring the electrical charge produced when radiation interacts with a gas in the detector. They are commonly used to detect alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. They are portable and can provide quick readings.
Scintillation Counters: Scintillation detectors use special crystals that emit flashes of light when radiation interacts with them. The emitted light is then converted into an electrical signal. Effective for detecting gamma radiation. These detectors are also sensitive to alpha and beta particles when used with appropriate scintillators.
Ionization Chambers: Ionization chambers measure the amount of electrical charge produced by ionization of the gas in the chamber due to radiation. Suitable for detecting various types of ionizing radiation, including alpha, beta, and gamma particles.
Solid-State Detectors: Solid-state detectors use semiconductor materials to detect radiation by measuring the electrical charge created when radiation interacts with the material. Efficient for detecting gamma radiation and sometimes beta particles. They are more compact and durable compared to gas-filled detectors.
In order to detect the level of radiation in electronic components or devices, in addition to what Poya Hajivand has cited, DOSIMETERS can also be used, which are devices that monitor or measure the radiation level of devices over time, and we can also rely on Thermal Imaging (since radiation is also associated with heat generation) which is actually a less accurate method.