A central element of Weidlich's sociodynamics is the master equation (Weidlich, 1988; Weidlich & Braun, 1992, 1993), which describes the temporal evolution of the probability distribution of a system's state. In the context of social systems, the master equation models how the distribution of social states (e.g. opinions, behaviours, demographic configurations) changes over time (Weidlich & Haag, 1983). For example, Weidlich's model can be used to predict how a change in economic policy might affect the distribution of wealth in a society over a given period. Weidlich used stochastic processes to take into account the randomness and unpredictability inherent in social interactions.
However, how can we apply Weidlich's sociodynamic model to observe the patterns and evolution of social-political phenomena such as memory policies? [https://doi.org/10.58079/11p1p]