It is well-known that distributed feedback (DFB) and distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers include gratings along their waveguides to provide wavelength selective feedback. Usually, two-step process is used, where gratings are first selectively etched into the waveguide core, this is followed by an epitaxial regrowth to bury the gratings such that the refractive index contrast in the grating is an effective refractive index difference between the etched and nonetched portion of the waveguide core. I am curious to know how to measure the reflectivity spectrum of such gratings experimentally. The spectrum should look like a reflectivity spectrum (stopband with interference fringes) of DBRs in VCSELs, which is very easy to experimentally measure. How to perform the similar measurement for the case of gratings in DFB or DBR lasers? Please note that scientific literature often reports the theoretical reflectivity data, not the experimental one.  

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