
Im trying to analyze the relationship between morphological and ecological variables through the phylogeny of the group using BM and OU models. But I don't know how to explain that GLS coefficient values can be as low as 0.009 and still significan (p = 0.004).

I need help!

Thanks, have a great day!

Example 1.

Generalized least squares fit by REML

Model: TPC1 ~ Environ

Data: DF.PGLS_all_data

AIC BIC logLik

-726.3365 -716.4869 366.1682

Correlation Structure: corBrownian

Formula: ~1

Parameter estimate(s):



                  Value         Std.Error         t-value     p-value

(Intercept) 0.00472743 0.028766193 0.164340 0.8696

Environ -0.00919997 0.002538026 -3.624852 0.0004



Environ -0.13

Standardized residuals:

Min Q1 Med Q3 Max

-2.1607098 -0.3774017 0.1315785 0.4589424 1.6401371

Residual standard error: 0.07873684

Degrees of freedom: 199 total; 197 residual

Example 2.

Generalized least squares fit by REML

Model: ABPC2 ~ Environ

Data: DF.PGLS_all_data

AIC BIC logLik

-936.072 -926.2223 471.036

Correlation Structure: corMartins

Formula: ~1

Parameter estimate(s):




                  Value             Std.Error      t-value       p-value

(Intercept) 0.008687800 0.003526749 2.463402 0.0146

Environ -0.005631088 0.002449643 -2.298738 0.0226



Environ -0.894

Standardized residuals:

Min Q1 Med Q3 Max

-2.0009436 -0.6660191 -0.0796327 0.6954614 2.6972526

Residual standard error: 0.02178988

Degrees of freedom: 199 total; 197 residual

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