How can the future of the world or the universe be imagined in the image of quantum physics?
In the science of quantum physics, as Einstein imagined and depicted in his general and special relativity theories, it is being realized in a way. And Hubble and Einstein worked hard in the direction of quantum physics. Today, where do we stand in this world and the universe, and specifically where are we now? Where exactly are we in the world and how many years have passed since the Big Bang? And in which world are we located and how far is the end of the world? Does anyone imagine how small we humans are compared to the vastness of the world and how the science of astronomy and cosmology answers the question of where we are? Where is the end of the world? And how far does dark matter exist in this world? ? How far have the stars and galaxies expanded? Will there be planets where intelligent beings like us humans exist? With the help of quantum physics and astronomy, can we help the future of man to better understand the world and our environment and the conditions of climate change, and to understand the opinions of Yugoslavian Melankevich about climate change on earth? Is it the age of drought or the age of frost and cold in the future?