I have been running many western blots and have not been able to always use fresh primary antibodies each use because of a limited supply. The proteins were isolated from cells treated with different drug does (including a mock treatment). After normalization to beta-actin, the fold changes of the target proteins relative to mock apparently had too much variability. One hypothesis is that the old age or reuse of the primary antibodies is causing the problem. This doesn't make sense to me yet because the antibody should be mixed well in its buffer and have plenty of time shaking overnight at 4degC to fully bind to their target. Will this cause any variability once the data is normalized to the loading control and then to mock? Old and reused antibodies may be more dilute and will therefore show weaker bands, but the fold changes between those band should still be equal.
Another possibility is reuse of the blocking buffer, but I still don't get how another change consistent within each blot would affect the fold changes derived from each blot. Is there some enzyme kinetics or densitometry concept that I am missing, or could the variability be coming from another source? Thanks.