
For my thesis I'm working on a CRISPR-Cas9 project, where I have to transform the plasmids pTargetF (2117 bp without N20 sequence https://www.addgene.org/62226/) and pCas (12.545 bp https://www.addgene.org/62225/) into E. coli MG1655. For now I got pTargetF with 2 kV and pCas with 2,5 kV separately into the cells but not both at once. After a successfull electroporation with pCas, I let the clone grow and made MG1655 including pCas competent again and used it for a second transformation with pTargetF but it didn't work at any voltage. What can I do to get pTargetF and pCas together into the cell?

I always used 1 ng, 10 ng, 50 ng and 100 ng of plasmid in my experiments and it didn't work for only one. I tried to transform pTargetF into MG1655 without pCas with only 1,4 kV and it worked. But it does not work with pCas already included into the cell and 2 kV.

Could it be possible, that i can't make my MG1655 two times compentent? Like first only the MG1655 and after the first electroporation with pCas again?

Could it be the similarity of my plasmids, so that it doesn't work?

I would really love to get some hints to finally go on with my thesis.

Thanks for helping!

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