Dear All,
I have some problems to get the stabilised fEPSP slope (baseline) for LTD.
I had been measuring the maximum peak value at 200uA and baselining it at 30-40% of that value. However, I noticed that the peak amplitude value kept increasing endlessly since the weekend.
Even if I measured the baseline for 15 minutes, I found that LTD was not induced after LFS, and based on this, I judged that LTD was not induced because the peak value kept increasing.
Intracellular recording microscopy was performed to check the cellular status and no nuclei were observed, and both slice aCSF and recovery aCSF were pH 7.35 and Osmo 304 after bubbling.
Additionally, when I increase the stimulus above 200uA, I observe a strange population spike, and I was wondering how to remove it.
Thanks for reading this long post and happy research!