Hello everyone,

I've been struggling the whole week to seperate a pic of Vitamine C, i will explain :

I am supposed to determine the quantities of ascorbic acid (vitamine C) , malic acid and citric acid , i obtain a pic of the sample that looks like two pics bonded.

I tried to contaminate an ascorbic acid standard de with once malic acid and once with citric acid, i've got the same pics as ascorbic acid ( nothing changed except the area cause i added a volume to it )

I've also injceted malic acid standard alone and citric acid standard alone but didn't obtained a proper pic ( probably not the suitable mobile phase)

My conditions were :

Device : UHPLC

Mobile phase : MeOH /KH2PO4 (80:20)

Column : C18

Flow : 0.24 ml/min

Injected volume : 0.7 ul

Wavelenght : 257 nm

I hope that i've been clear. Waiting for your suggestions

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