you want to calculate for serial dilution or you want to prepare from stock solution.
If your focus is on serial dilution you take 1 ml from stock solution and than serially dilute the sample, but only the thing is we have see dilute factor accordingly.
As per my knowledge for Minimum inhibitory concentrations we havr to calculate serially diluted sample.
First you have to prepare MC Farland concentration then you could prepare 1:10 by serial dilution adding 1 ml of stock solution to 9 ml of diluting agent " media or puffer .... according to your protocol" to prepar 1:100 adde 1 ml of 1:10 cocnecentration to 9 ml of diluting agent , to prepare 1:3000 adde 1ml of 1:100 conc. to 29 ml of diluting agent then chek conc accuracy using Absobance at 420 - 660 nm Mc Farland. absorbance will be 0.08 for Mc farland No 0.5 and you can check other conc acurracy by this equation 0.08 = dilution X Abs of dilution
Thanks so much but did you mean prepare the dilution from stock solution of mcfarland solution which i prepare from the bacteria inoculum in phosphate saline or bacterial suspension which i prepare from the bacteria in saline solution, by adding 10 ul per 3ml as standard solution.