05 August 2015 5 650 Report


I electrochemically exfoliated graphene from a graphite rod in Sodium Sulfate solution. Which was later collected by vacuum filtration and dispersed in DMF by sonication (Black appearance) . I then took the glass slides and cleaned it with piranha etch. 2-3 drops of DMF dispersed graphene were dropped onto the slides followed by a drop of water. I couldnt see the graphene film form at all. Later when the slide was heated on  a hot plate in air, The DMF and water evaporated. There was a small thin see through but fuzzy patch left behind it. I tried to see if it is conductive or not by an ohm meter, and it was not..

I don't know what is wrong? Any guidance?

Also how do we grow film on PET by using dispersed garphene

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