I have been making DNA probes for in situ for over a year. I use 1.5-2 ug of DNA, 4 ul of dNTP mix (1mM dATP, dCTP, dGTP; 0.66 mM dTTP and 0.33 mM labeled-dUTP), 2 ul 10X buffer, H2O and 2 ul enzyme mix from Roche Nick translation kit. Even with the same DNA I see so much variation in the incorporation of the dUTP-label when I check with NBT/BCIP conjugate. How much does the size of DNA fragment affect the incorporation in the probes? Is there a way to optimize this procedure to get consistent and better labeled probes? Since I am using single copy BACs for FISH, I need probe labelling to be quite good, so I would appreciate any suggestions?.

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