08 April 2017 4 10K Report


By using the parameter setting below, I am trying to obtain the results for further analysis in Structure harvester. However, even tough I check the option "compute the probability of the data (for estimating K)", I cannot find the related result file in any folders related to the analysis. But my input file is correct, the analysis runs without problem and I obtain the result files on correct folders, the only problem is missing file to use in structure harvester, which should be named for example "K1ReRun_run_1_f". What am I missing? If you make some suggestions I will be appreciated.

Length of Burnin Period: 10000

Number of MCMC Reps after Burnin: 50000

Ancestry Model Info: No Admixture Model

* Use Sampling Location Information

* Use Population IDs as Sampling Location Information

Frequency Model Info: Allele Frequencies are Correlated among Pops

* Assume Different Values of Fst for Different Subpopulations

* Prior Mean of Fst for Pops: 0.01

* Prior SD of Fst for Pops: 0.05

* Use Constant Lambda (Allele Frequencies Parameter)

* Value of Lambda: 1.0

Advanced Options

Estimate the Probability of the Data Under the Model

Frequency of Metropolis update for Q: 10

and I tried the same with different iteration numbers: 1, 5, 10

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