22 October 2023 1 3K Report

I am a high school student huhu :( asking for help for our investigatory project, supposedly our parameters to test our textile fiber from grass were: tensile strength, flexibility/stiffness, abrasion resistance, tearing strength, since this were the some of the major parameters usually tested. However, due to lack of availability of tensile test machine, and the other more machine used o measure the supposed parameters, we end up with only tensile strength and flexibility as our parameters since there is a manual method to test this. Now, I am asking for suggestions as to how we can manually measure the flexibility of our fiber and also is it right to use the weights method for our tensile strength if so, how also would we be able to compute it's MpA/Psi given that our units would be by kg. I am also hoping if there other manual methods for measuring the other parameters, we could simply do using simple laboratory equipment's because based from my continuous research regarding it, mostly used machines and I'm struggling looking for possible modifications for the tests. I truly appreaciate any help, Thank you!

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