You can vectorize the landuse map, then overlay the vectorised map with the DEM. Use the extract tool of ArcGIS to extract the land cover types that fell on each elevation zone. Open the attribute database of the extracted land cover types and calculate the percentage from there. I hope this will be helpful
Yes, it is a very common task. What software are you working? There are many ways of doing this properly. One of these has already described by Ejikeme. For example, in Idrisi, the EXTRACT module extracts summary statistics (Min, Max, average...) to either an image, table or an attribute values file from an existing image file. This module works with raster maps.
All above three are good help liners. The matter is what software you are working with. In ILWIS, both maps are crossed each other and create attribute table of crossed map having both Land use type and elevation zone as columns mixed and separately . Export the table as dbf and open it in MS excel and create pivot table as land use type in X and Elevation zone in Y axis. Remember it is raster and pixel size and its number for the area calculation. I hope this will help you
Thank you very much for all of. Conerning the use of arcgis, the extraction tool can't help me for this case because am dealing with a combination of a DEM and vector. I don't have any idea about IDRISSI, however, as I saw in the literature, ILWIS could be the best one for my case but I don't know how to use it, Mr. Umesh could you please give more details on how to use this software for my issue.
ArcGIS is the best, try using Zonal Statistics, very easy process. You can just input your DEM and Landuse and the output will be a table showing the percentage of each Landuse in each elevation zone.
Try any software. Certainly , it is preferable to use free software like Iwis , qgis , gvsig , etc. I wanted to point out an alternative option in raster format. I can support in QGIS, ARCGIS, IDRISI or R (as GIS).