I have been successful in generating the homology model of the catalytic region of a chitin deacetylase protein but am facing some difficulties while simulating the protein.  (My protein has Cobalt as a metal in the active site residue)I would like to perform the simulation to minimize the energy for the protein and bring some disallowed residues within the favorable region before I dock the substrate (chitin). Although I am getting an equilibrated structure after simulation (Analysed through RMSD etc. plots) but I am unable to bring any of the residues within the favorable ones. I have performed 5ns simulation for the protein, but the problem still exists. Another observation was that the protein structure (PDB file generated from the last frame after simulation) deviated to a great extent from the original structure after the simulation, hence the catalytic region is also getting deviated. So the residues that should bind with the substrate is unable to bind (When compared with the template structure). My ultimate aim is to perform a docking study of the enzyme with its substrate.

The attached paper shows a similar workflow where a 3 ns simulation was able to bring all the disallowed residues into favourable regions.

I would request you to please help me with your valuable suggestions that would guide me in the right way.

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