I have docked a known inhibitor to my protein and the initial docking energy was ~ 5Kcal/mol. I ran 40ns simulation using AMBER and when I performed MMGBSA analysis on this complex, the binding energy between ligand and protein is coming ~470Kcal/mol. Throughout the simulation my inhibitor is staying pretty much inside the active site. I am unable to understand the reason for this high positive value of Binding Energy of the known inhibitor to the protein. I am giving the input file that I am using:

MMPBSA.py input file for running GB


startframe=100, endframe=500, interval=5,

keep_files=0, netcdf=1,



igb=5, saltcon=0.1



idecomp=4, dec_verbose=0, csv_format=0

Any help is gratefully appreciated. Thanks!

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