I am planning to calculate binding affinities for a set of ligands to my protein of interest, both the wild type as well as mutated form. The crystal structure for the particular conformation of the protein with required mutations are not available. I am confused as to which one should be my starting structure:

1. the ligand is docked using Autodock to my protein and the structure having the most stable energy is chosen (it may not correspond to the same binding pose as in the crystal structure of the same ligand to the protein of interest in some other mutation)

2. Superimpose the required protein to the available crystal structure and select the inhibitor binding pose (using say, PyMol).

On proper equilibration and MD production run for ~50ns, I will calculate the binding energies for the ligands to the protein. Can I expect similar results from both cases? If not, which one should be the correct starting structure?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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