I am simulating a reflector with many elements and a horn antenna in CST 2022, but there are some errors occurring as shown in the figure. May I ask what is the reason for the errors? And how to solve them? Thank you in advance!
Thank you very much for your reply. For your questions:
1. I'm using the frequency solver;
2. The mesh I used is tetra and for the mesh properties, it is set as "automatic", with model:4,10, and background:4,1. I tried to tune this, but it seems the number of tetras is the smallest with "automatic".
3. The RAM of my laptop is 16GB (maybe the small memory of my computer is the main reason I guess);
4. Yes they are concentrated to form an array;
5. The result I would like to get is the far field pattern;
6. Yes I choose 3D, so I deleted the 1D result "directivity, constant phi=0" later, which corresponds to the fourth error;
7. Do you mean the draw of the 3D far field results? The result looks good but may lose some accuracy, with the first error.