I need to create an electrode of Au nanoparticles deposited on a metal support as stainless steel or Pt. How can I do it easily and using few reagents?
I guess you could do that using 1 mM KAuCl4 +0.1 M KCl in H2O with Ag/AgCl ref by applying "short" potential step or current. What sort of sizes do you need?
Well, it is controllable but you'd need to do some calibration runs if you want to get to a specific value.
Article Size-selective electrodeposition of meso-scale metal particl...
Article Size-Selective Electrodeposition of Mesoscale Metal Particle...
These papers might be useful for doing that. I would guess that something in the range of 10-20 seconds at e.g. -1 V vs Ag/AgCl (potentiostatic) could be a good starting point.