When you wrote the question, I guess you were thinking in how to obtain ejaculated sperm from mice, right? the only way will be euthanizing the female after mating. Electroejaculations doesn't work well in mouse and rats. In general, most of the procedures involving mice the sperm is collected from the cauda epididimus.
When you wrote the question, I guess you were thinking in how to obtain ejaculated sperm from mice, right? the only way will be euthanizing the female after mating. Electroejaculations doesn't work well in mouse and rats. In general, most of the procedures involving mice the sperm is collected from the cauda epididimus.
I'm agree with the answer proposed by the DVM PhD Jorge Sztein.
The only way appears to check the vaginal plug after mating and collect the sperm from the euthanized female.
Electroejaculation method don't seems to be very efficient for mice, and spermatozoa suspension was generally collected from the cauda epididymis. A very well organized protocol for collection of cauda epididymis (and their transport at cold temperature) is available at http://www.cosmobio.co.jp/export_e/products/detail/collection_and_transport_of_cauda_epididymis.asp?entry_id=12585
In order to have controls or different times (two) for your experiments, keep in mind that you could collect one testis at a time if you don't euthanize the mouse.
Well the process of extraction of sperms from mice involves dissecting or separating the Cauda epidydimus and 3-4 cuts are made on it and is incubated for at least 15-20 minutes (37 C) in a tube containing a culture medium, this types of arrangements helps the sperms to swim out in the medium. This method achieves optimum sperm count with progressive motility.
Hi all, if you want serial samples from the same male, I think that the best think that you can try is our technique for in vivo sperm retrieval from the epididymis. Let me know if you need more advice or help.