
is there an easy/uncomplicated protocol to generate topological files and/or force field files from any xyz structure file, which can then be used with a force field molecular dynamics package?

When I tried to convert a polymer chain (as xyz) for the use with gromacs, I tried the route via pdb-files, where then the residues were missing. In the end, after choosing a force field, I end up with empty files.

I am aware, that unlike in quantum chemical packages, bonds and several parameters have to be set, which makes several FF-MD packages somehow complicated for beginners.

Is there anyone, who can recommend any package/protocol, that makes the conversion of xyz files (any structure (protein, polymer, small molecules) ) to any file format to be used with FF-MD applications straight-forward? Just like, giving coordinates, automatically determine topology, assign FF parameters and then ready-to-go?

Thanks and kind regards,


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