Firstly, you define your materials, frame elements and create the model. Make sure that the elements are assigned correctly. After this step you have to define the hinge from....define...section properteis...hinge are working one steel, so choose the write material when you define the hinge. Normally, SAP gives a default hinge, you can change it according to your specifications.
Secondly, you need to define the lateral load, whih is from load cases, amke sure you change the load (assigned fro pushve analysis) to NONLINEAR, here you have to choose either you want to apply load-control or disalcement-control. If you want more tips see the SAP manual, it is so extensive. good luck
Thank you for your help. I found the solution in the meantime: as I tried to use automatic hinges, it didn't recognize as previously defined hinge property. So I had to define axial hinge, which is recommended in my case. Cheers!