Vespa Pacicephala Scopoli, 1772
original description:
"Caput crassum; mucha excavata. Thorax antice punctis flavis binis. Scutello puncto unico pariter flavo. Abdomen fasciis flavis: 2-3. interruptis.
Statura V. Parietum , sed capite et thorace crassioribus. Abdomen nitens. Tibiae flavae."
This is an Ectemnius species. I think...
Exact idenitfication is not possible since this description fits to Ectemnius continuus (Fabricius,1804); Ectemnius sexcinctus (Fabricius,1775); Ectemnius cavifrons (Thomson,1870)
Vespa Pteropoda Scopoli, 1772 •
original description:
"Nigra abdomine lucido fasciis 6 flavis, posticis tribus interruptis.
Femora antica, sed magis adhuc eorum manus uno latere ala albida subdiaphana auctae.
Alarum anticarum longitudo lin. 3-4.
Caput pone attenuatum. Thorax ovatus, puncto flavo ad angulos anticos.
Pedes flavis: anticis structura singularis: manibus hemispherico clypeo aut ala externo latere
auctis, cujus alae pars superior binis rufis lineis transversis notata est. Hinc
non confundenda cuin S. Palmipede LINN."
The size, and morphology (especially the combination of " Caput pone attenuatum." and " manibus hemispherico clypeo" refers to Lestica clypeata (Schreber 1759) but this can not be confirmed, since some other thesis of Scopoli contain contradiction like " posticis tribus interruptis". In Lestica clypeata not the "posterior" but anterior "tribus interruptis" (anterior yellow margins of abdomen interrupted). It also resembles to Crabro peltarius (Schreber,1784), however, the satement "puncto flavo ad angulos anticos" (anterior corner of thorax with yellow spot) can not be applied for the male, also the description of Scopoli didn't describe what extent the head is attenuated.
Your opinion?