I have an airfoil inserted internal 90deg turning diffuser flow. 3D Simulation was conducted using ANSYS fluent. Drag force acting on the airfoil is the data I would like to take from the simulation. However, in order to get the drag force, both FLUENT and CFD post requested vector direction of the flow, which in my case, turning flow. How do I measure the flow direction when it's turning and not parallel to the x-direction? 

Secondly, measurement of drag force takes into account the value of area and free stream velocities. F=1/2*Cd*flow density*freestream velocities^2. My airfoil is definitely a 3D airfoil, where span on leading edge and trailing edge is different since it's in a diffuser. I want to compare Cd value with experiment, so how do I measure the area of my airfoil? Attached picture can be refer if my explanation was a bit off.

Lastly, freestream velocities in the equation. Which data should I take from CFD post? inlet velocites or average velocities of the fluid? Most references shows freestream velocities for external flow, which happens to be of flow around the wind of an airplane. For my case, it's and internal flow. Can anyone help me?

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