I am working on a diamond shaped Copper Conductor using LS Dyna EM Multiphysics Solver.
I am able to run when I have a simple one inlet and one outlet (pic of results attached for a unit Cell).
However, when I try to make an array of the unit cell by mirroring it (refer pic 4array). I get a segmentation error in the EM Circuit.
Now I have 2 inlet section and 2 outlet section with a single Voltage source.
I am unable to understand the error as the LS Dyna Error message isn't that helpful in this case.
Should I define 2 circuit? Event though my applied Voltage is same.
I tried with defining each section as individual input and output but still the same error is there
initialization completed
ERROR 2 IN em_orderLineEdgesOrient
please check the segment sets
used in the EM cards
E r r o r t e r m i n a t i o n