12 April 2019 5 7K Report

I am looking at the impact of circumstance(could cheat/ could not cheat) on the dishonesty by using Repeated measures ANOVA.

Participants played may trails in my study. In each trail , they could freely choose to do Task A or Task B. Then they confront with a particular circumstance(could cheat/ could not cheat), and then they decide whether to be dishonesty or not.

The circumstance was a with-subject factor( could cheat / could not cheat) , the dishonesty was the dependent factor.

Now I wanted to control variables of task-type(Task A / Task B ), which was also a within-subject factor but not control in my study(participants could freely to choose which task to do).

In SPSS, I used Repeated Measures ANOVA. I set circumstance as within-subject in RMA, dishonesty as dependent variable, and task-type as covariates. But I was confused whether i should put task-type*circumstance in the model ?

Actually I tried this and found the circumstance*task-type was significant(

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