I was checkign parameters from my Bruker instrument and I think it might coincide with the so called "time per step effective" (still in seconds). Just wondering how this would relate to the "time per step"?
Gerhard Martens, what's the relationship between the "count time" and tthe"t ime per ste"p? My understanding is that the count time coincides with the" time per step effectiv"e which (in my PXRD system) seems to be 165x the time per step Would that be correct?. Not too sure about where this factor comes from...
I never heard 'count time' term in XRD. But there are 'counts' which refer to the intensity/scintillation (also written as cps- counts per seconds). 165 here is maybe detector dependent, maybe changed with different arrangements. But it is impossible to get same counts at every 2theta position.