12 December 2015 3 1K Report

I am doing a viability study using leukemia cells and planning on plating them into a 12 well plate.

1. I was wondering how plating efficiency can be calculated for floating cells such as leukemia cells that do not adhere and form colonies?

I found an online calculation that shows

Plating efficiency= Cell Count on D1/ Cell Count on D0*100 

Can this be used for determining the plating efficiency for floating cells?

2. Is there a different method used for floating cells during in vitro viability studies that would be equivalent to plating efficiency? 

3. My main concern is to be able to factor for that 12 well plate might have different efficiency than a 6 well plate or T25 flask. I want to be able to effectively factor in the efficiency of the 12 well plate into my viability calculations and remove any inconsistencies caused by the plate of choice. What would be a good method to ensure that?  

OR Is this not a problem with floating cells as much, as it is for adhering cells which needed a specific surface area and seeding density?

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