We have isolated genomic DNA from three biological replicates (3 different petri plates of filamentous fungi) of our samples (2 treatments and a control). We are then proceeding to qPCR, examining the effect of our chemical treatment on starting copy number available for amplification. In order to optimize the assay, I would like to run a standard curve to determine our reaction efficiency (I believe this is also a suggestion for high-quality data from MIQE). I am looking at a 5-point serial dilution with three technical replicates of each point, taken from my control sample's gDNA. But how do my biological replicates play into this? Do I pick just one at random, or do I have to run a standard curve for each bio-rep and hope that all three are statistically similar? And if the latter is the appropriate course, then I won't be able to run my standard curves and samples on the same plate (I'm limited to 48 wells). In such a case, would it be appropriate to run my samples immediately after my standard curves?

I'm new to this, so I appreciate any advice!

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