29 September 2015 4 7K Report

Hello everyone,

I am wondering if a definite answer has now been provided to this question.

One issue is that hydrothermal vent fields have a lifetime of the order of 10,000 years (eg. TAG) whereas one needs to account for survival and evolution  of hydrothermal vent organisms over geological timescales exceeding 200 million years or so ?

One logical suggestion (eg. Lauren Mullineaux and coworkers)  is that larvae of vent organisms can be entrained and dispersed by hydrothermal venting and in particular by hydrothermal plumes (focused venting).

However several problems remain:

Are larvae capable of sniffing other active vent sites ?

It seems to me that colleagues have found that the answer to this question is yes.

Are larvae mobile enough to move down if necessary to reach such sites ?

Here too it seems that the answer may be yes also, from colleagues'past and ongoing research on this aspect.

Another question relates to the toxicity of hydrothermal vent fluids at the source of plume venting ? This is where entrainment is traditionally  expected to occur and yet this is also where plume fluid toxicity is greatest (and potentially lethal to most life forms ?).

So a related question would be: are larvae capable of surviving the toxicity of near-source fluids from hydrothermal vents that emit plumes ?

I have asked myself this question differently during the 1990s. I studied the dynamics of interaction between turbulent plumes and a crossflow in the lab (eg. Ernst et al 1994, Bull Volcanol; Ernst et al 1998, Bridge Newsletter; Palmer and Ernst 1998 Nature, Ernst et al 2000 EPSL...).

I observed that bent-over plumes in crossflow generate the water-equivalent of atmospheric tornadoes or what one may term wake tornadic vortices. I carried out lab experiments to try and understand what may control their generation and frequency of occurrence (unpublished research).

In a nutshell, incoming boundary layer vorticity generates a horseshoe vortex in the boundary layer around the plume source base. Vorticity in the trailing arms of the horseshoe vortex are periodically stretched in the intermittent entrainment field in the bent-over plume. This generates a train of wake "tornadic  vortices" downstream of the plume. These wake tornadoes can entrain what lies on the ground into the plume or just transport it a great distance.

Provided the plume remains bent-over, the more buoyant the plume is, the more intense vorticity stretching is. (Please note that megaplumes could also do a great larvae dispersal job as they are anticipated to have a "hurricane-like" dynamics; Palmer and Ernst 1998 Nature.)

If the plume is sourced from a conical mound, this strengthens the horseshoe vortex or a series of them in the boundary layer (still unpublished research I am afraid) and the wake tornadoes are even more intense.

In the latter case, the first "tornado" is generated on the mound and slightly upstream of the bent-over plume, fast accelerated around  the side edges of the plume, then sucked up into the plume in the near-wake.

In both cases, the tornadic vortices are advected in the wake region from the near-field into the far-field.

I have also verified that the above is consistent with common observations of tornadic whirlwinds, waterspouts and tornadoes generated by dynamically analogous bent-over plumes emitted by active volcanoes in a crossflow (also unpublished).

Implications from this are that wake tornadic vortices are expected to be generated intermittently around hydrothermal focused venting in crossflow. To me they offer a mechanism by which larvae are expected to be near-continuously sampled and entrained into proximal to medial regions of the bent-over plumes where they are considerably less toxic to life. As the wake tornadoes are advected into the far-field wake region of  a bent-over plume, there is also the possibility that some vent larvae are dispersed without ever experiencing toxic plume fluid.

I would very much  like to know if anyone may have considered this "tornadic" vortex entrainment / dispersal mechanism for hydrothermal vent larvae ?

And also if anyone may have documented direct or indirect evidence for "tornadic vortices" expected frequent occurrence in the wake region of hydrothermal vent plumes ?

Looking forward to hearing back,

With best wishes and kind regards to all,


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