The Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Center Lareb, in 2022, reported headache as the commonest adverse effect of intranasal corticosteroids (143 events out of 1258 individual) (Vol.:(0123456789) Drugs - Real World Outcomes (2022) 9:321–331;
Migraine is also commonly reported, according to another database study, performed using VigiBase data (Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2008;101(1):67–73. https:// doi. org/ 10. 1016/ S1081- 1206(10) 60837-X.; Cephalalgia 2009; 29:360–364)
What is the fundamental mechanism(s) underlying the cephalalgogenic effect of corticosteroids?
Can the continued clinical use of corticosteroids in the ED as therapeutic agents to abort migraine attacks be justified?
Educating the patients is far less important than educating the therapists managing migraine attacks on the basis of canonical belief.
Use of corticosteroids in aborting protean and unpredictably self-limited (4-72 hours) migraine attacks is a purely empirical unjustified approach that must be stopped immediately.
Belief unsupported by robust logic /matrix is nothing but a tragic myth.
For too long migraine / primary headache theory and therapy has remained mired in myths.
Primacy of the migraine / primary headache patients, ignored by tertiary-care Institutional Headache care-research centres as well as International Associations / Advocacy Groups up to the near-middle of the 21st century, is long overdue.
Use / misuse / clinical trials of corticosteroids in managing migraine / primary headache should be immediately abolished.
Institutional headache researchers and specialists must not allow history, with 20:20 hindsight, to mock them.
History of science is always unforgiving.