I'm doing a hierarchical regression analysis. Just to keep it simple, here are my results:

  • N=60
  • R-squared for the model 2 (there are only 1 models) is: .547.
  • R-squared change is .014.
  • Sig. F Change is: .195 --> so p>.05, or not significant.
  • B =.007, p= 195 (p>.05)

However, the model (ANOVA) for model 2 is highly significant. (p=.000).

In summary: R2=.547, F(2,57)=34.353, p=.000

Why would the predictor variable NOT be significant, but the overall model IS significant?

(N=60) In this analysis, the first step is variable T1, in second step I add a second variable to that, the FFMQ. So, basically the predictive ability (so to speak) of FFMQ is not significant but the model is.

Can someone explain to me what would cause this? I'm not sure how to interpret this.

Thank you!

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