The active ingredients of the two drugs are different. CO-DIOVAN - combination of 2 molecules - Valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide - available in five strengths: Co-Diovan 80/12.5, Co-Diovan 160/12.5, Co-Diovan 160/25, Co-Diovan 320/12.5 and Co-Diovan 320/25 .
Diovan - Valsartan - Diovan is available as tablets for oral administration, containing 40 mg, 80 mg, 160 mg or 320 mg of valsartan.
However, it may be prescribed for the same case according to doctor's evaluation.
Thank you very much Dr. Salah. My mother take Diovan 80 mg one tablet daily. When the tablets finished , she go to pharmacy to repeat the drug , the pharmaceutical prepare her another one which named Co-Diovan 80/12.5 mg , so I ask this question to know the differences between them .