I have done a spearman correlation as the data is not normally distributed and now would want heritability index...am I correct in looking at heritability with this data? If yes, how do I go about?
SPEARMAN correlation coefficient is more appropriate for ordinal data, i.e,. ranking 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Check what kind of data do you have. If you are looking at a set of characteristics in genes and score inheritable (1) otherwise (0), you might want to employed 2 x 2 chi square test.
Thank you sir...my data is not normally distributed and my study is on neuropsychological task which i would want to know if its inherited. Hence I did a correlation where there is found to be no significant correlation in any of the task scores. Hence (a) I am not sure if I should do a heritability calculation at all (b) if i can, then how to do so ?
If there's no correlation between matched mother & child scores, then I, too, would conclude that the heritability is not distinguishable from zero. It sounds as if you have your answer. (For what it's worth, even if the usual Pearson presumptions about data are satisfied, the resultant Pearson and Spearman values are typically very close to one another.)