who has a wieght of 10kg with dimensions (30*100*30) with speed 30kmph and it has to push a person for 1km while the person remains in water but hanging on the front of the boat.
Get your hands on any naval architecture text book and read the chapter on resistance. Or you could tow just the boat a bunch fo times at different speeds with the same draft and trim as the towing wil produce and simply subtact the median from the boat plus human case. The towing of a human will depend an enormous amount on their size, buoyancy and their physical attitude. Hoerner has a few Drag of humans sorts of numbers. I suspect that the people who run the indoor skydiving franchises "Skyzone" may have some better more up to date ones. Remember that Women, especially busty women have a significantly different center of mass and center of buoyancy, and drag coefficient than a male would. Good Luck