7 Questions 18 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ali Ahmad Srour
I have a high aspect flexible aircraft wing of 2 meters in which I want to place 6 gyroscopes along it to measure its deflection for research purposes. I want to be able to collect all the data...
20 April 2021 3,106 15 View
Is there any expert in the Psat toolbox on matlab who can fix our simulink model attached( please find the model attached below) for power flow analysis?
22 January 2020 6,321 4 View
localisation of drones outdoor in which every drone fly next to its neighbor and doesn't collide with each other upon a certain formation in space ... We are searching for the cheapest simplest...
21 July 2019 9,482 2 View
Can we develop a permenant magnet induction motor on stator and rotor such that we obtain with little input power of 100 watts for example an output of 300 watts . Depending on additional circuits...
06 July 2019 2,517 15 View
well i am designing a booster circuit that takes at the input between 70 to 120 volts and its giving me at the output a value of 350 volts which should be steady. The idea is that i have an...
24 June 2019 9,803 9 View
Is there any code written in C, C++ or python for fuzzy logic controller on a microcontroller for a drone ? what is the microcontroller that can handle this processing? And from where i can obtain...
21 June 2019 3,263 7 View
who has a wieght of 10kg with dimensions (30*100*30) with speed 30kmph and it has to push a person for 1km while the person remains in water but hanging on the front of the boat.
15 June 2019 5,988 3 View