
I am trying to optimize our Olig2 immunohistochemistry staining protocol for PFA fixed mouse brain. I found a very helpful website that reviewed several recent publications and found people used concentrations from 1:100 to 1:500 on mouse brain, and I am planning to try several of them (https://www.labome.com/review/gene/mouse/Olig2-antibody.html) . However, on the abcam website they advise to perform heat mediated antigen retrieval with citrate buffer pH 6 for this antibody. I was wondering if anyone tried antigen retrieval for Olig2 IHC?

Otherwise, if you have experience with antigen retrieval using a microwave, could you please advice the steps? I found a protocol suggesting placing tissue sections on slides, in citrate buffer (pH 6), and boiling for 20 minutes, whereas another protocol suggested boiling for 7 minutes.

I was also wondering, after antigen retrieval, what is the best way to continue the staining protocol having the sections already on slides: i.e. the incubation with the primary antibody over night etc? I have only ever stained with the tissue inside well plates, not on slides.

Thank you,


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