11 November 2013 8 8K Report

I am using a standard phenol chloroform extraction protocol to extract DNA from very small amounts of insect tissue. I have included extra steps (KAc treatment prior to phenol step) to remove additional proteins. However, during the subsequent ethanol precipitation two pellets are observed for each sample rather than the usual one. One of the pellets is dark in colour (brownish) and the other is white. Firstly, has anyone ever seen this before? I had not and assumed that the DNA would be in the white pellet and the dark pellet would be excess proteins. Small amount of experimentation shows that it is the dark pellet that contains the DNA. Spectrophotometry readings are in the range of 1.7-1.8 for the 260/280 and around 1.2 for the 260/230. Not absolutely awful but not brilliant either. This seems to indicate there is still protein in this dark pellet. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do to further "clean" this dark pellet or to modify my protocol?

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