I am attempting to do bisulfite sequencing on a frozen lung section extracted by laser capture microdissection. So far, I have not had good results getting past the PCR amplification step. To isolate DNA from LCM, I am using the qiagen micro kit. I've been getting between 1-15 ng total DNA from these extractions. This is normal because I am only taking between 40-200 cells from LCM, and I cannot increase the amount of tissue I extract from LCM. Then I am using the Qiagen bisulfite kit to do the CT conversion with a DNA protect buffer so I can keep the fragments intact. Following this, I am amplifying the converted DNA with the Whole Bisulfitome kit from Qiagen. This tissue is what I use for the PCR of our region of interest, and I have not been getting any results. The primers are known to work on bisulfite converted DNA, and I have successfully run it on control DNA. Does the fact that the DNA strands after whole genome amplification are double stranded instead of ssDNA have anything to do with this? Normally, the bisulfite DNA would be single stranded by the time it goes through the PCR. The PCR stages include a denaturation step so I couldn't see why it would be a problem...

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